3/11:The Fallout

3/11:The Fallout
Just what the heck is going on?

Saturday, 20 July 2013


This is Excalibur.
Today, Sunday July 21st, sees the nation going to the polls to vote in the Upper House election. The previous Lower House election, three months ago, was a landslide for the ruling LDP, and today's election is set to strengthen Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's iron grip on the national government. The majority of the public just want political stability and economic recovery; a vocal minority are more than concerned about Abe's racist, nationalist views and his revisionist policies.

On the energy front, TEPCO is lobbying hard to restart the nuclear program. Fossil fuels have taken up the shortfall in supplying energy needs, as Japan's government has consistently failed to bring renewable energy sources up to the level where they could be a viable alternative. So, while TEPCO gets ready to switch on the reactors again, news from Fukushima No. 1 plant shows that the crisis is still not over ...

 It also shows the real cost of nuclear accidents; the contamination of the surrounding ocean in increasing and likely to get worse. 

In the meanwhile, do you remember the people who had their homes and lives destroyed by the 3/11 tsunami? Well, the Japanese government doesn't. 

 Let me reiterate Excalibur's position; we are not opposed to nuclear power as such. We are pointing out that the people in charge of the nuclear program are incompetent, and cannot guarantee the nation's safety.
We are pointing out that the government will lead the nation down the road that leads back to the Edo Jidai - and the Japanese people will sit back and do nothing to stop it.

Unless you think differently. If you wish to protest or make a contribution, or to help the families still suffering, check out the book below, available on Amazon.

This is Winston Saint reporting. 

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