3/11:The Fallout

3/11:The Fallout
Just what the heck is going on?

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Who Wants the World?

Dear Readers,

Let me be quite clear about the situation.

Here at Excalibur Books, we need your thoughts, your ideas and your comments. "3/11: The Fallout" belongs to no specific religion or political affiliation. All it aims to do is to make people think, and to ask questions.

Questions such as -

WHY have the families in Tohoku made homeless in the 3/11 disaster been left to fend for themselves?

WHO is intent on restarting Japan's nuclear program, despite the numerous safety problems and earthquake threats?

WHAT would you do if your home were destroyed by a natural disaster such as a flood, a hurricane, an earthquake, or a tsunami?

You see, "3/11: The Fallout" is not really about Japan. It's about what could happen in your own backyard. Furthermore, this blog does not pretend to be the definitive word on the subject. You will notice that because of time constraints and health problems, we cannot write long blog posts anymore. All we can do is put links together in one place where they can be useful.

So, we can't tell you to buy the book, but we can ask you to at least think about it. We need Facebook likes, we need Twitter followers, we need blog comments.

We need you to think about what you would do, and what you would be capable of, if everything was suddenly taken away.

If you want to do something to help the homeless families of Tohoku in their fight for justice, then go here. 

If you want to follow us on Twitter, go here. 

Now, on with today's links.

The movement to set up a network of Temporary Autonomous Zones (what are they?) in Tohoku gathers pace, with architect Shigeru Ban explaining how architecture can change the society that depends on it.

Shigeru Ban, The People's Architect

The destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant continues to be an environmental time bomb.

Massive leakage of radioactive water discovered

And finally, in "3/11: The Fallout" Patrick Fox discusses the draconian rules that the Japanese government uses to stifle forms of creative expression, seeking to blend everything into some harmless, mindless, kawaii, saccharine mush. Another journalist picks up on it here.

The War on Dance

Keep the Faith!

Yours Sincerely, 

Winston Saint. 

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