3/11:The Fallout

3/11:The Fallout
Just what the heck is going on?

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Our Lips Are Sealed

This is Winston Saint, with the latest news from the Danger Zone.

TEPCO's press releases are getting more and more desperate, as they admit that don't know how to stop the stream of radioactive water into the Pacific ocean from becoming worse. Most people in Japan realize they are hiding the truth of how bad the situation is. There is also a firm acceptance that they will not ask for foreign assistance (i.e. from people who actually know what they're doing) until it's far too late.

TEPCO unable to stop water flow

Water flow worsening

Does it really matter? Here are some responses from various internet forums. Of course, this being the Internet ... who can you believe?

"How much water is 300 tons? 300,000 liters. Still sounds like a lot. Let's continue.The typical Olympic-sized swimming pool contains 2,500,000 liters of water. Thus, the daily leakage is equivalent to one-eighth that of an Olympic-sized swimming pool. That's not too bad.
If we assume the rate of flow has been constant, then the total of amount of water which has flown into the Pacific Ocean amounts to 0.000000000492% of the total volume of the Ocean. If the rate of flow continues unabated, it would take 5 trillion years to fill the Pacific Ocean with radioactive water. That is more than 338 times the presently known age of the entire universe. Okay, that's a ridiculously small amount.
To make matters even more awesome, Cs-134 has a half-life of 2 years, Cs-137 has a half-life of 30 years and Sr-90 has a half-life of 29 years. It'll all long dissipate before it can fill the Pacific Ocean.
OMG! We're all going to live!"

As long as the Japanese people allow crooks to run their economy and the governing of the country on all levels they put their fate in the hands of criminals with no conscience and only a desire for personal gains. It leaves the country in ruins and exposes the Japanese as suicide-terrorists against themselves.
It is not easy for westerners to understand e.g. suicide-terrorists, but the ignorance of Japanese in general regarding self-destruction are beyond comprehension.
I stopped eating Japanese (sea)food which I liked very much, but the Japanese have no such choice.

What can we do about it? Can we do anything about it? This is what Excalibur has been asking you for eighteen months. What does personal responsibility really mean? Take a look at these links below.

Personal responsibility link one 

Personal responsibility link two

Despite what you might think, one person CAN actually make a difference. If you want to know more about exactly what our "point"is, then ask a question and leave a comment, and check out this book.

3/11: the Fallout: Helping the communities of Tohoku. 

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Cruel Summer

This is Winston Saint. In order to keep this blog going, we need your input and your opinions. Please leave comments on the Japan crisis here and follow us on Twitter. The Twitter link is here ...

Follow us on Twitter

The latest news on the slow and painful recovery of Tohoku (and WHY is it so slow and painful?) can be found here.

Tohoku's Green Connections Project

"3/11: The Fallout" is a charitable publication designed to help send money to the people who need it the most. Copies can be purchased here.

"3/11: The Fallout" by Patrick Fox

Another excellent book on the same subject, which you really should buy and read, can be found here.

"Fukushima: Japan's tsunami and the inside story of Japan's nuclear meltdowns", by Mark Willacy.

Keep the faith.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Radioactive Water pouring into Pacific Ocean

Q: How many tons of radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima reactor is entering the pacific every day?

A: Three hundred tons.

Q: How many politicians or TEPCO officials have been charged with criminal negligence so far?

A: None.

2 years and five months after 3/11, the crisis is not over; it's only just beginning.

We're not asking you to do much - just to follow us on Twitter and spread the word.

#311the fallout

If you DO want to make a contribution, the book can be found here.

3/11: The Fallout on Amazon.

This is Winston Saint.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Connect with Us

If there is no post this week, it is because we are trying to connect with the rest of the world, and we are fighting for attention in a media sphere that is saturated with distracting information blinded by The Spectacle. You will notice that the title of this blog has changed. This blog is now dedicated to promoting the charitable publication "3/11: the Fallout". If you are looking for the publisher, Excalibur Books, go here:

Excalibur Books - the new website

If you want to like or follow our Facebook page (and we hope you do!), go here:

3/11: The Fallout on Facebook

Here's a blurb for the book:

Why does this book exist?

Or to be more precise, why is it necessary for this book to exist?

Today, as we look around Japan, we see a country that has still not recovered from the 3/11 triple disaster.  Instead of the rival political parties uniting to help their traumatized people recover, the hard right engaged in a vicious slanging match with the ruling party, and kicked them out at the recent general election.

Two and a half years of bureaucratic wrangling have resulted in large areas of northern Japan still barren and empty because reconstruction efforts have been stalled. Thousands of families are still living in temporary shelters in Iwate, Fukushima, and Miyagi, waiting for benefits that are slow to arrive, and sometimes never arrive at all. The agricultural and residential land contaminated by radiation will remain off limits for decades.

The nationalists that control Japan’s government are taking steps to maintain their own power as the nation’s economy enters a permanent decline. The Japanese media want to avoid discussion and confrontation, and carry on with their main business of selling mindless pop culture fluff. A large part of help for the Tohoku communities is coming from outside the region, because the area’s infrastructure is so chronically understaffed.

All proceeds – and we do mean all proceeds from the sale of this book – will go to international charities committed to the rebuilding and Renaissance of northern Japan. This book is looking for moral support for Tohoku – practical suggestions, not “Pray for Japan” platitudes. This book is looking for foreign investors willing to lend a hand to Tohoku residents – because the Japanese politicians are too busy fighting among themselves to care about their own people.

This book is not an easy read. It’s the stinging gadfly, the thorn in the nation’s flesh, the fly in the ointment, the spanner in the works. It shouldn’t have to exist. But it does.

And you’re going to keep hearing about it.  

If you'd like to buy a copy of the book and make a contribution, you can find it here.

3/11: The Fallout on Amazon.

This is Winston Saint.