3/11: The Fallout
Dedicated to the charitable publication raising funds and public awareness for the shattered communities of Tohoku - and for what the disaster means for your future.
3/11:The Fallout

Just what the heck is going on?
Monday, 6 April 2015
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
3/11/2014: Two Tribes
Japan's triple disaster on March 11th 2011, the nation was faced with a choice.
It could heal the suffering of those made homeless by the tsunami and nuclear
meltdown, turn away from nuclear power, and become a model of renewable
energy-efficency to the western world; or it could ignore international opinion
and cover up the mistakes that led to the Fukushima plant's destruction, delay
and obstruct the reconstruction of the stricken communities of Tohoku, restart
the wasteful and incompetently run nuclear industry with the same people in
charge, and persecute any citizen who disagreed with the government's
Now we all know which path Japan chose to
So three years on, "3/11: The
Fallout" announces its manifesto for anyone who's interested in what's
happening in this country.
1) If you are a 'gaijin' living in Japan,
take part in our campaign of civil disobedience. You don't have to join any
group; it's just about taking responsibility, doing the right thing and saying
'no'. We are referring here specifically to the individual models who played
racist stereotypes in the ANA and Coco Juku advertising campaigns. They could
have said 'no thank you', but instead they chose to take the paycheck and run,
and the result was a massive setback for racial equality in Japan. Now if you're reading this, and thinking -
"But I can't make trouble! I'll lose my job!" - well, here's some news for you. You might
speak Japanese fluently, carefully observe the etiquette, jump though the hoops
when they tell you to jump, but you will still lose your job because
ultimately, you are not Japanese. You will never be part of this society, so
don't kid yourself. You will be disposed of when you have outlived your usefulness.
2) If you are thinking of coming to
Japan, for travel or for work, please reconsider. Please choose another
destination. Your tourist dollars will prop up a senile, racist regime, and be
used to perpetuate the myth of "unique Japanese culture".
3) If you are young and Japanese,
consider leaving the country as soon as possible. A national health catastrophe
is in the making because the government is determined to supress the facts
about the spread of radioactive contamination. Either find a study abroad
program or a job with a non-Japanese company; but leave any way you can. This
is not a country for young people.
Think we're being crazy? Stupid? Wasting
our time? We are only following the examples of those we look up to; namely - Mohandas
Ghandhi, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and Nelson Mandela.The
supreme irony is that Japanese high school students are required to write
composition papers on some of those individuals - and yet they have absolutely no
conception of the ideals they represented.
So Prime Minister Abe, in the spirit of Jean-Paul
Sartre and Malcolm X, we are going to teach you the meaning of the English
phrase 'by any means necessary'. This is
the last promoted post. Our blog will no longer be updated because we already
know what's going to happen. We are taking our fight off the Internet, and onto
the streets. We are the Fallout.
You will hear from us again.
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Here Comes The Rain Again
Yes, we're still shoveling it!
The latest round-up of things you should know about, even if you don't want to.
Over 30% of children affected by the 3/11 triple disaster are still suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and there is a chronic shortage of counseling facilities.
The amount of deaths - suicide, stress etc. - in the 3 years after the 3/11 disaster are now higher than the immediate death rate of the tsunami.
Stress deaths top 3/11 toll
Japan's government agencies are still incompetent and afraid of responsibility.
Weather agency too slow in issuing blizzard alert
Historical Revisionist Prime Minister Abe's Fascist boot boys are on the march - and getting bolder.
Hundreds of copies of 'Anne Frank's Dairy' vandalized
Although Abe's trying to wipe Japan's war crimes from the collective Japanese memory, others are making sure that they are never forgotten.
Americans protest over Japan's 'Korean comfort women' comments.
Now that we're three years on from 3/11, it seems the Japanese are quite happy to forget it and get back to thinking about trivial, mindless shit.
Tohoku mayor sees sense of crisis waning
Feeling helpless? Angry? Then buy a copy of this.
3/11 The Fallout - hoping the Tohoku homeless.
Monday, 17 February 2014
What Difference Does It Make?
Still here, and fighting personal, financial and health problems to bring you news from the disaster zone.
Almost three years after 3/11, official government disaster plans are still the same clueless bureaucratic bullshit.
No plan best plan for Kansai nuclear disaster
Who exactly is cleaning up the radioactive debris in the destroyed Fukushima plant? Untrained, uninsured, homeless people press-ganged by the construction industry's Yakuza buddies, that's who.
Doing the dirty work
Regarding Prime Minister Abe's new secrecy law; NHK's new Chairman is an Abe-approved historical revisionist, so don't expect anything in the way of truth if you tune in to Japan's government-sponsored TV network.
New NHK Boss ignites political firestorm
Feeling frustrated? Feeling scared? There is a way you can support the suffering families and give yourself a sense of direction …
and it's here.
But what difference does it make?
Friday, 10 January 2014
2014: Welcome to the Pleasuredome
is Prime Minister Abe so intent on antagonizing the Chinese and Koreans with
his visits to the Yasakuni Shrine? Why is it currently unsafe to eat seafood
along the west coast of the USA? Which parts of the USA have experienced
snowfalls with abnormally high levels of radiation? Where exactly did the
liquified nuclear fuel go after the Fukushima meltdown? What is a 'hydrovolcanic
and other questions will not be answered in 2014, if the Japanese government
has its way.
The new Secrecy Law means that the incompetent, cack-handed
methods of Japan's nuclear industry will continue without change. The only
difference is that the nuclear lobbyists will be more aggressive about people
who ask questions or criticize their judgment.
means if you are worried about the consequences of the botched Fukushima
clean-up, or if you support investment in renewable energy resouces, or if you
are concerned about future health problems resulting from radioactive
contamination, you now have a target on your back.
Japanese government is commencing a news media blackout so that when the
inevitable health problems arise, it will be able to avoid responsibilty. The
Japanese public has given up protesting, because they know it's pointless;
since the establishment of the military government at the beginning of the Edo
period, the purpose of government is to keep the ruling class in power, and the
purpose of the samurai/salaryman/housewife is to follow orders without
has changed that. A lot has been said about the samurai philosophy of 'never
give up'; in practical terms, this translates to - 'Keep doing the same thing
again and again. If anyone has different points of view, ignore them or bully
them until they leave Japan.'
is speculation that the government does not actually intend to go through with
the 2020 Olympics, because in six years time Japan - as a nation - will not
exist in its current form. It was only meant as a short-term propaganda
coup. Secret plans are being made, doors
are being closed, curtains are being drawn. Journalists such as Jeff Kingston
and Jake Adelstein are referrring to this as the beginning of Japan's 'New Dark
what does this mean to foreigners living in Japan, or independent-minded
Japanese nationals? Feeling worried yet? Helpless? Angry? What
can you do?
are two things you can do.
If this has motivated you to help, then consider investing in a copy of the
book on the link below. It's a practical guide to disasters both natural and
man-made, and the proceeds are going to Tohoku charities.
Wait for further instructions, to be issued on March 11th 2014.
is The Fallout.
will hear from us again soon.
"3/11: The Fallout"; A practical guide for dealing with natural disasters, and much more.
Eating seafood on the West coast of the USA - safe or not?
Did an underground nuclear explosion take place at Fukushima at the end of 2013?
Abe flips the bird at China, Korea and Washington
The Tokyo governor who helped the city win the Olympic bid resigns because of a bribery scandal
New candidate for the Tokyo governorship is a historical revisionist right-winger who believes Japan was the victim in World War II
(well, what did you expect??)
Radiation alert hits cities in Nebraska and Utah (Wait, wasn't that where the A-bomb tests were in the Fifties? Allegations collide with speculation…)
Eating seafood on the West coast of the USA - safe or not?
Did an underground nuclear explosion take place at Fukushima at the end of 2013?
Abe flips the bird at China, Korea and Washington
The Tokyo governor who helped the city win the Olympic bid resigns because of a bribery scandal
New candidate for the Tokyo governorship is a historical revisionist right-winger who believes Japan was the victim in World War II
(well, what did you expect??)
Radiation alert hits cities in Nebraska and Utah (Wait, wasn't that where the A-bomb tests were in the Fifties? Allegations collide with speculation…)
Sunday, 29 December 2013
2013: Undercover
Good morning. It is customary at the end of December for 3/11: The Fallout to give a review of the year - but this time, we think that the links will do, and further explanations are unnecessary.
America's west coast and marine life contaminated by Fukushima radiation
We should warn you that this entry has been written by a gentleman who runs a blog called "The Economic Collapse Blog", which will give you some idea of the contents.
Don't forget to read the comments after the article.
Cases of Thyroid Cancer surge amongst Fukushima children
How many American servicemen and women are suffering from radiation-related illness? The controversy continues here.
Levels of contamination in northern forests are increasing, spread by rain.
TEPCO Fukushima clean-up an 'incompetent comedy of errors,' according to Japan-based author, Alex Kerr.
What we are seeing here is a fight between assumption-based logic and fact-based logic, and the Japanese government will do their best to conceal the facts and persecute anyone who asks questions.
See you in 2014.
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Free! Nelson Mandela (1918 - 2013)
As the world mourns the passing of a giant, there are some facts to be considered.
1) The next Nelson Mandela will not be born in Japan. The Ministry of Education is doing an extremely good job of indoctrinating youth in the most valuable element of Japanese society; not honesty, not compassion, but conformity. The nation is full of teenagers who answer comprehension questions in their English language textbooks on Mandela, and Mahatma Ghandi, and Martin Luther King, and they have absolutely no understanding of the values that those individuals represent.
2) Nelson Mandela's legacy includes violence as well as nonviolence. In the Fifties, in his famous "No Easy Walk to Freedom" speech, he rejected the ANC's policy of non-violent protests and strikes. In the early Sixties, after the Sharpetown massacre, Mandela set up the armed militant wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation).
So when Shinzo Abe's bully boys stop you on the street and knock on your door and ask for your gaijin card, should we respond with violence?
What would Nelson say?
3) If Japan cannot produce a social reformer fit to be compared with Mandela, how will reform occur? The answer is, the Government want to make sure that change does not occur, because they want everyone to stay in their places, keep fiddling with their smartphones, shut up and do nothing. The link below will take you to an excellent article by Michael Hoffman in today's Japan Times. In it, he mentions one proverb from the late Tokugawa period, circa 1800 -1850;
"Peasants are like sesame seeds. The harder you squeeze them, the more they give."
Yes, that really sums up what Prime Minister Abe thinks about you.
Michael Hoffman's article here
4) Hoffman's article also mentions the undeniable fact that because of the traditionally fierce protection of the status quo, every major social change in Japan has come from outside. The feudal period was brought to an end by Commodore Perry and the Black Ships. The Fascist period was brought to an end by Franklin D Roosevelt, Enola Gay, and General MacArthur, among others. Who will be the next force to wade into Japan and kick Abe to the curb?
The Chinese?
The Koreans?
Could it be you?
We are Excalibur. You will hear from us again soon.
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